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Kerry Shrug - Tips & Photos for Weaving Knot

Photos and Tips for Weaving the Celtic Knot in the
Kerry Shrug
by Jennifer E Ryan
Published in Crochet! magazine - Spring 2013
(available here: www.crochetmagazine.com)

1.  Gather supplies needed to weave knot as directed by pattern


2. With Right Side of cord facing, place end of cord on star and secure with a pin.  Begin to weave knot in direction of arrow pinning cord in place as you go


3.  Continue to pin cording in the path of the knot on the Diagram.
** Up until this point all passes have been OVER
4.  Now start weaving the cord in an under/over  manner.
This is called the "locking tuck" and secures the entire knot so that all sections of the cording lay flat.
** To check your knot  - Start at the star point and trace the knot with your finger - If every pass alternates between an over and under pass, you have woven correctly!
5.  Adjust the knot so that the loops are even and have the correct number of single crochets (as shown in another Diagram in the pattern) - You may need to remove and replace pins

6.  Once knot is "even", secure each passing with a pin
7.  Remove knot from Styrofoam block and flip over so Wrong Side is facing up.  Secure each crossing with yarn needle and matching yarn.  See pattern for the remaining finishing instructions.




  1. I love the back of htis shrug but not the front...anyone else redo the front to something more substantial?

  2. Thank you very much for the photos and tips. I'm making this for a good friend using an electric blue. Her name is Kerry and I knew I had to attempt this as soon as I saw it in Crochet! mag.

  3. Confused about the special stitch instructions. Does that mean that the stitch is worked in the back loop?

  4. Your shrug inspired me to make a similar one for my daughter. I'm using a Triquatra or trinity knot though. Do you have any suggestions on how to crochet around this configuration?
    Thank you,
