
Monday, February 4, 2013

Crocheted Cupcake

My sister, Alice, is a wonderful cook and baker.

She is passionate about recipes and making new twists on old favorites.  (She makes a delicious Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese from scratch - just thinking about it makes my mouth water! :) )

I love it when she makes me something from her kitchen - it is such a treat.  Not only does it taste great but it blesses me with another treat - not needing to cook!
(which I am not so passionate about. :) )

(She has her own blog about her cooking adventures and successes. Check it out at: or  Once there you'll see her photographs are excellent so you'll need to check out her photography website, too!

Alice makes all sorts of yummy cupcakes as well. She is known at work and around her church family as the "Cupcake Wizard".  So, every time I see a cupcake, I think of her.

I saw these cupcakes on the cover of Crochet World! (April 2012) last year and made her one for her kitchen.  They are potholders and made out of 2 strands of cotton yarn - Lily Sugar 'n Cream.

Here is my version:

I used the Chocolate color for the base as suggested by the pattern but I used Rose Petal for the frosting.  It is a beautiful color and the yarn has a perfumey smell.  Then I used Country Red for the cherry on top.  I made a simple ruffley flower-like cherry - unlike the original pattern.
I love how it turned out and Alice says she uses it everyday.  It's great when a project turns out pretty and practical!

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