
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homecoming Shrug

With every issue of Crochet Today! I enjoy looking through the magazine to see what all of the designers came up with.  I would love to make many of the designs but I have discovered that it is difficult to find the time to crochet "for fun" when I am busy working on designs to be published.

Well, I really really liked the Homecoming Shrug (designed by Kristin Omdahl) in the Sept/Oct (2012) issue of Crochet Today! and I had never used the Red Heart yarn, Stardust, before.  It is very fine (like sock yarn) and has a classy strand of metallic yarn woven into the hand-dyed-looking main strand.

It took me a couple of months to finish this since I worked at it a little bit at a time between my other projects. I loved working with the yarn and like the results.

A few notes about the pattern: 
The armholes turned out very big and loose so I gathered them quite a bit before adding the same edging that the pattern called for along the body of the shrug
I did not do as many rows as the pattern called for but I went through almost 4 balls of Stardust - if I followed the pattern exactly I would have needed 5 balls of yarn (the pattern only called for 4)
A few notes about the designer:
I met Kristin at a CGOA conference when she was the keynote speaker.  She shared her "crochet/designing" journey and gave the audience (of crochet professionals) many practical career tips.  She was very generous with her time and ideas.  I learned a lot from listening to her.
She has many beautiful designs in books, on her website and on Ravelry.
Kristin is also part of the PBS show, Knit and Crochet Now! and also is a designer for knitting.
Check out her work here:

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