
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Yarn Bomb at the Knit and Crochet Show!

I received over 500 knitted and crocheted squares from around the country made of all sorts of yarns, colors and stitches.  Here is what some of them looked like while arranged in groups in my backyard just a few weeks before the show.  My daughters and I sewed them together to make 'sweaters' for the trees, lamp posts, benches, posts and pillars outside the Radisson Hotel (Center of NH) in Manchester, NH.

Here I am in the process of putting up this beautiful piece on an iron gate. Thank you to the City of Manchester for giving us the permit to decorate the courtyard with yarn art!
This yarn bomb would not have been possible without all of the volunteers who made the squares and the small group of us who worked hard to sew them together and put them up -
Here I am with Pat Heinrich - She was a WONDERFUL help to me.  She is a crochet instructor and has a great group of students who also came to help (see below).  Pat spent many hours also sewing together many squares and even edging them with single crochet!  Above we just finished putting up the first piece around the largest tree. Yeah!
Karen R., Karen S. and Pat are busy sewing squares together in the shade.

Carol and Karen R. were a great help.
Karen and Barbie H. made some black posts pretty with colorful pieces in just minutes!
It was a hot day when we installed all of the outdoor pieces (so not sure if the trees were grateful for their sweaters :) ) but we were all thankful for the breeze in the shade the trees provided.  And I am grateful to those who stopped by to help us sew together pieces or put them up
**THANK YOU to Karen R., Pat H., Karen S., Barbie H., Reenie P, Janet B., Tamara K., Janice C., and Carol **
Here's another look at the colorful piece on the gate - Thank you to Pat for crocheting it together so nicely.
Many more photos of the yarn bomb to come . . .

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