
Friday, July 27, 2012

Fashion Show at CGOA

On Saturday night during the conference, I attended the Fashion Show and banquet.
It was more great fun to talk with fellow crocheters and eat good food!
The Fashion Show was full of beautiful and unique garments modeled by many of the designers themselves.
I enjoyed modeling my Glendalough Shrug with all the other winning garments.
Here are some photos of the evening:

Margaret Hubert receiving the Crochet Hall of Fame Award

 Beautiful Garden Sweater

Carlotta modeling a wrap

Doris Chan modeling her new Spiral Top design

Katie modeling a woven top
(We love how Katie is an Irish Step Dancer! )
Me in my winning shrug. :)

1 comment:

  1. I had 'lost' this blog and just seen this woven top. How beautiful it is. Is it going on Ravelry.
